Флибустьеры Ямайки. Эпоха "великих походов" - Виктор Губарев Страница 95

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Флибустьеры Ямайки. Эпоха "великих походов" - Виктор Губарев читать онлайн бесплатно

Флибустьеры Ямайки. Эпоха "великих походов" - Виктор Губарев - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Виктор Губарев

Pringle, P. Jolly Roger. The Story of the Great Age of Piracy. — N.Y.: W. W. Norton, 1953.

Renny, R. An History of Jamaica: With Observations on the Climate, Scenery, Trade, Productions, Negroes, Slave Trade, Diseases of Europeans, Customs, Manners, Snd Dispositions of the Inhabitants. — L.: Printed for J. Cawthorn, 1807.

Restrepo Tirado, E. Historia de la provincia de Santa Marta. — Bogota, 1975.

Roberts, W.A. Jamaica. The Portrait of an Island. — N.Y., 1955.

Roberts, W.A. The Caribbean. The Story of Our Sea of Destiny. — N.Y.: Negro Universities Press, 1969.

Rodway, J. The West Indies and Spanish Main. — L.: T Fisher Unwin, The Story of the Nations; N.Y.: GP Putnam’s Sons, 1896.

Rose, J., MacLeod, M. The book of pirates: a guide to plundering, pillaging, and other pursuits. — Layton, Utah: Gibbs Smith, 2010.

Siri, E.N . El caballero de Jamaica: Historia de Morgan y los filibusteros. — Buenos Aires: Editorial Sophos, 1944.

Skrok, Z. Świat piratów morskich. — Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Morskie, 1982.

Snelders, S. The devil’s anarchy: The sea robberies of the most famous pirate Claes G. Compaen, and The very remarkable travels of Jan Erasmus Reyning, buccaneer. — Brooklyn, N.-Y: Autonomedia, 2004.

Southey, T. Chronological History of the West Indies. In 3 v. — L.: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827. — Vol. II.

Spate, O.H.K. Monopolists and Freebooters. — Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1983.

Stevans, C.M . The Buccaneers and Their Reign of Terror: An Authentic History. — N.-Y.: Hurst and Company, 1899.

Stockton, F.R. Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts. — N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1898.

Stone, W.L . The Buccaneers of America. II // The Continental Monthly: devoted to literature and national policy. — New York and Boston: J. R. Gilmore. — Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 1863. — pp. 703–714; Vol. 4, Issue 2, August 1863. — pp. 175–188.

Thornbury, W. The monarchs of the Main. — L.: Routledge, Warne and Routledge, 1861.

Thornton, A.P. West India policy under the Restoration. — Oxford, 1956.

Ullivarri, S. Piratas y corsarios en Cuba. — Sevilla: Editorial Renacimiento, 2004.

Waugh, A. A family of Islands. A history of the West Indies from 1492 to 1898. — N.Y., 1964.

Weddle, R.S. Spanish sea: The gulf of Mexico in North American discovery, 1500–1685. — College Station: Texas A and M Univ. Press, 1985.

West Indies accounts: essays on the history of the British Caribbean and the Atlantic economy in honour of Richard Sheridan / Ed. by Roderick A. McDonald. — Kingston, Jamaica: The Press, Univ. of the West Indies, 1996.

Williams, E. History of the people of Trinidad and Tobago. — L., 1964.

Williams, W. L. Sir Henry Morgan, the Buccaneer / W. Llewellyn Williams / In: The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. Session 1903–1904. — L.: Issued by the Society, 1905. — pp. 1—42.

Zahedieh, N. The Capture of the Blue Dove, 1664: Policy, Profits and Protection in Early English Jamaica // West Indies accounts: essays on the history of the British Caribbean and the Atlantic economy in honour of Richard Sheridan / Ed. by Roderick A. McDonald. — Kingston, Jamaica: The Press, Univ. of the West Indies, 1996. — pp. 29–47.


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